The Slandering of Mark Cahill
By: B. Nickel Reader, beware. There’s a trick being played on you by Tony Miano and Matt Slick in their invective against Mark Cahill. You know the drill. People with an “axe to grind” crossing the line and in the process of defending their position, reveal how weak it is by the tactics they employ. In desperation, these men have reacted to non-existent provocation. They beat the drums as if the enemy is in the camp when, in reality,... Read More
The Withering Flower – The Fad of TULIP Theology 3
Defining Terms A lot of the confusion with understanding Calvinism is their need for intellectualism. They have terms for different beliefs, different definitions for words than what most are used to, and like to put people in certain groups in order to know where one stands on the Scriptures. For example, the most common argument against Evangelicals from Calvinists is that you are an Arminian, Pelagian, or Semi-Pelagian if what you believe does... Read More
The Withering Flower – The Fad of TULIP Theology 2
Are You a Calvinist or a Confused Arminian? The Problem of the 1,2,3, and 4 Pointers Let me address this by allowing Calvinists to answer this question. While reformed theology is gaining popularity, it is also causing quite a bit of confusion. Because most “Christians” do not accept all points of this theology, they do try to compromise by saying they believe in some of them. Most will say that they are two or three or four point Calvinists.... Read More