The Slandering of Mark Cahill
By: B. Nickel Reader, beware. There’s a trick being played on you by Tony Miano and Matt Slick in their invective against Mark Cahill. You know the drill. People with an “axe to grind” crossing the line and in the process of defending their position, reveal how weak it is by the tactics they employ. In desperation, these men have reacted to non-existent provocation. They beat the drums as if the enemy is in the camp when, in reality,... Read More
Calvinist Critiques of Mark Cahill; Calvinism Weighed and Found Wanting
By: Brenda Nickel Recently, Calvinist bloggers have been less than charitable to their one time friend in evangelism, Mark Cahill. Having thoroughly embraced the belief system of Calvinism, and feeling strong obligation to defend its understanding of God and the gospel, these men put out an ‘all points bulletin’ throughout the blogosphere warning of disagreement among the brethren. Completely offended that someone could possibly disagree... Read More
Mark Cahill’s Response to Calvinism
On October 10th, 2010 Mark Cahill, an American author, speaker, and evangelist, wrote a response to his beliefs about Calvinism. You can read it for yourself here. His response caused some ruffled feathers among some Christian circles, mostly from Calvinists, who object to Mark Cahill’s stance on the issue. The reason they object is because Calvinists told me we believe the “essentials” of the faith such as Christ alone for salvation,... Read More